How much is an average CNA Salary?
AS a CNA you can work in various different environments. From hospitals and elderly care facilities, to personal in home care. The type of employment you seek will often change the amount you will earn per hour.
Often times Hospitals tend to pay a bit more then nursing home facilities. In the hospital setting you could possibly get paid from $13.00-20.00/hour with a good cna job. Also hospitals tend to have great health insurance and other benefits.
If you are looking to get into in home care or an elderly care facility the pay is usually going to be around $12.00 to $14.00/hour. Benefits can also be included but very well may not be. This may be something you will have to ask your hiring employer.
The CNA Salary wage can also change depending on where in the United States You are employed. California CNA’s for example average $28,000 a year, where in montana CNA’s are paid on average $23,300 a year.
It is important to have a clear and concise idea of what you will be making when you get out into the field. But remember that in many cases becoming a CNA can also be an investment into your education, often times CNA’s take their training further to become registered nurses or LPN’s.
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