Becoming A CNA in Colorado
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Opportunities are abundant in Colorado for certified nursing assistants. If you are considering obtaining your CNA certification in Colorado you are in for a rewarding career. Though As always there are various things that need to be done on your check list before you can qualify to become certified as a certified nurse aide.Nurse aide students in Colorado must complete a training program that is accredited by the Colorado Board of Nursing. The student must then take the required licensing examination to posses CNA certification in Colorado.
Enrollment and Completion of CNA Pograms in Colorado
Step 1:
First and foremost you are going to need to find a state accredited CNA training program in your area. It is very important that you research your program before you sink your hard earned money into these programs. Sadly, not all programs are created equal, and naturally you want to take time to find one that is going to properly train you for your future role as a certified nursing assistant.
Find a CNA Training Program
Typical subjects taught are the monitoring and recording of vital signs, medical terminology, patient safety, patient rights, and how to recognize and report changes in the residents’ health and mental well-being. Truly comprehensive programs will cover the basics of feeding, clothing and bathing patients, dealing with emergencies, safety precautions and proper methods of interacting with mentally disabled patients.
Step 2:
The schools that provide training are located throughout the state at designated colleges, training centers, hospitals and many other establishments. Courses will cover a number of areas over a period of several weeks. It will include 107 hours of in-class training, and at least 16 hours of clinical training where you will be obtaining hands-on experience. You can start training as early as high school as it is not necessary to have a diploma or GED to attend a program in the state of Colorado.
Step 3:
In order to receive your CNA certification, you are going to need to undergo a criminal background check and fingerprint live scan before being administered the exam by the nursing aide registry. Many CNA classes will require you to have these procedures completed before even enrolling, so inquire with the institution of your choice concerning these guidelines.. You will also be required to prove that you are physically capable of performing nursing aide job skills prior to being allowed to work with patients.
Once you have completed the course you can move on to becoming certified as a CNA by taking the state board exam.
Available Programs in Colorado State
Name | Address | |||
Pueblo Community College | 900 West Orman Avenue, Pueblo, Colorado 81004-1499 | Program cost | Financial Aid | Request Information |
Lamar Community College | 2401 S Main St, Lamar, Colorado 81052-3999 | Program cost | Financial Aid | Request Information |
Red Rocks Community College | 13300 W Sixth Ave, Lakewood, Colorado 80228-1255 | Program cost | Financial Aid | Request Information |
Morgan Community College | 920 Barlow Road, Fort Morgan, Colorado 80701 | Program cost | Financial Aid | Request Information |
CNA Testing Procedures and Applying for CNA Certification in Colorado
Step 1:
Now that you have completed your training program you can begin to prep for the test. FIrst step is applying for the cna exam at Colorado Division of Registration.
Also prepare for the exam by visiting our cna practice test section.
Step 2:
The NNAAP examination can be attempted with a Pearson Vue training center at the end of the program. This test is offered at many different test sites approved by the Board of Nursing throughout Colorado. You must pay a fee of $95 in order to take the test, this test is made up of 70 written questions and then is followed by a skills exam. You will have 2 hours to finish the written test and you will be given an additional 25 minutes for the skills portion. Testing scores will be sent to you in the form of mail. You will need to get all 5 skills right in order to pass the skills portion and the written portion is graded with a a pass or fail score.
Step 3:
Once you have passed the test you will be receive your CNA Certification by the Colorado State Nursing Board. Before applying for a job check at their website to make sure you have your certifications.
Begin building a Resume and Profile in our job database. This is where you can easily get in contact with employers and start marketing yourself and your new skill-sets.
Step 4:
Lastly, do not stop your education here. If you have finished your cna training, look into going on to become a nurse or a LPN. Check out our webpage on applying for a RN Degree or LPN Degree.
For more information regarding CNA certification contact the Colorado Nurse Aide registry:
Colorado Nurse Aide Registry
Colorado Board of Nursing
1560 Broadway, Suite 1350, Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 894-2430