Becoming a CNA in Alaska
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Gaining registration on the Alaska Nurse Aide Registrymeans that you can practice in Alaska as a registered nursing assistant at any long-term hospital, care center, clinic or any other facility where nursing aide services are needed.The first thing you will need to do is to choose one of the programs that are accredited by the Alaska Division of Corporations and Board of Nursing. When you have finished your CNA training in Alaska, you will then take the Alaska State Nurse Assistant Competency Examination. After both of these are successfully mastered, you will be registered on the Nursing Assistant Registry in Alaska.
Enrollment and Completion of CNA Classes in Alaska
Step 1:
The First Step is finding an approved program in your state:
Find a CNA Training Program
Your training will include information on how to recognize patient symptoms, CPR certification, aspects of caring for the disabled and elderly, medical terminology, and several other concepts concerning nurse aide work that will prepare you to succeed in a variety of employment positions.
Step 2:
To become an accredited CNA in Alaska, you will have to be at least eighteen and hold a high school diploma, GED or pass an ABLE test. Furthermore, it will be required that you pass a physical test to confirm your good health. Also expect to have criminal background screening performed before you can attend a CNA class in Alaska.
Depending on the program you select, you can be trained, certified, and working in a secure job in just a few short months, most programs take within 6-8 months.
Step 3:
You are going to want to find a state approved school in Alaska that offers top-notch CNA Training. The Programs needs to meet the minimum requirements to qualify you to sit for the exam. Students are required by the Alaska Nurse Aide Registry to complete at least 140 hours of instruction. These hours typically will be sixty hours in the classroom and around 80 hours in the clinical setting. The clinical setting is almost always the best place for students to learn their skills, so this is an emphasized portion of the training.
Available Programs in Alaska State
Name | Address | |||
University of Alaska Fairbanks | 505 South Chandalar Drive, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-7500 | Program cost | Financial Aid | Request Information |
AVTEC-Alaska's Institute of Technology | 809 Second Avenue, Seward, Alaska 99664-0889 | Program cost | Financial Aid | Request Information |
Ilisagvik College | Narl Facility, Barrow, Alaska 99723 | Program cost | Financial Aid | Request Information |
CNA Testing Procedures and Applying for CNA Certification in Alaska
Step 1:
Once done with the training, the state licensing exam can be taken by applying with Pearson Vue, or you can get an application over the internet and submit it via mail. The National Nurse Aide Assessment Program exam has 60 multiple choice written and 5 nursing aide skills actively tested. You will be given a maximum amount of time equal to 2.25 hours to finish the exam. Your official scored report will be sent to your home, and if you pass the exam, they will include your hard-earned CNA certification certificate! It generally takes a week or less to get your results. Once accomplished, you are then registered on the Alaska Nursing Assistant Registry.
Step 2:
Finding a job in your community should not be too complex, as the state of Alaska is currently experiencing a shortage of qualified nursing personnel of all types including CNAs. CNA Certification in Alaska will empower you to enjoy a great paying career while performing a much needed service to your local community.It can also get your foot in the door to the health care community and get you started on your way to becoming an LPN or a Registered Nurse.
Start looking for a job by filling out a profile, including your resume here. This will allow job searchers within our database to hire you directly.
We recommend that you don’t stop your education after becoming a CNA. It is important to use this as a jumping off point in your career if possible. Nursing Assisting is a great job, but the pay is a tad bit low for some. We recommend checking out LPN Courses and Registered Nurse Courses, and the required education to attend in your state.
If you have any questions contact:
Alaska Nurse Aide Registry
Division of Occupational Licensing
550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 1500
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: (907) 269-8169